samedi 1 juin 2024

L'octroi d'un sursis est l'exception lors de l'imposition d'une peine pour crime sexuel sur enfant

R. v. M.M., 2022 ONCA 441

Lien vers la décision

[15]      The Supreme Court’s instructions from Friesen could not be clearer: sentences for sexual offences against children must increase. There are no qualifications here. Sentences have been too low for too long. Denunciation and deterrence are of primary importance: R. v. Inksetter2018 ONCA 474, 141 O.R. (3d) 161, at para. 3. Those who commit sexual offences against children must understand that carceral sentences will ordinarily follow.

[16]      Conditional sentences for sexual offences against children will only rarely be appropriate. Their availability must be limited to exceptional circumstances that render incarceration inappropriate – for example, where it gives rise to a medical hardship that could not adequately be addressed within the correctional facility. It would not be appropriate to enumerate exceptional circumstances here and we make no attempt to do so. Suffice it to say that no exceptional circumstances are present in this case. A sentence of imprisonment should have been imposed.

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