samedi 28 septembre 2024

Il n'y a aucune présomption de véracité envers le témoin lorsque celui-ci témoigne

R. v. Thain, 2009 ONCA 223

Lien vers la décision

3) Witnesses are not presumed to be truthful

[32]         Witnesses are not “presumed to tell the truth”.  The evidence of each witness is to be assessed in the light of the totality of the evidence without any presumptions except the general and over-riding presumption of innocence.  Perhaps a generous reading of the final sentence in the impugned passage could be that, as it was applied to the evidence of the accused, it somehow resurrected the presumption of innocence apparently ignored in the preceding sentence.  However, as we are dealing here with basic and fundamental rights essential to a fair trial, I do not think it appropriate to salvage what appears to me to be a clear error with a strained and generous reading of this final sentence.

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