dimanche 7 juillet 2024

Le respect de l'article 10b) de la Charte peut impliquer de contacter un tiers

R. v. Pileggi, 2021 ONCA 4

Lien vers la décision

[86] I respectfully disagree with the trial judge. The failure to follow through on the undertaking to contact the appellant's father about a lawyer, combined with the overall delay in facilitating contact with any lawyer, infringed s. 10(b) of the Charter. As this court recognized in R. v. B. (J.)[2015] O.J. No. 51922015 ONCA 684341 O.A.C. 23, at para. 14, the right to counsel includes the right to contact counsel of choice as well as the right to contact a third party to access counsel of choice. See also R. v. Ector[2018] S.J. No. 2512018 SKCA 46362 C.C.C. (3d) 462, at para. 48.

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