dimanche 9 juin 2024

Une autorisation judiciaire doit être exécutée dans un délai raisonnable suivant son obtention

R. c. François, 2019 QCCQ 276

Lien vers la décision

[43]        If a warrant is not executed promptly, it may become feeble where no time limit is stated. To meet the requirement of section 8 of the Charter, the time period over which a search warrant extends must be reasonable. The reasonableness depends on the circumstances of the case.[16] The warrant in this matter was executed the day after it was issued and the report to a justice of the peace[17] that was filed in evidence indicates that the search took place at 1:25 pm on January 14th, 2016. In these circumstances, the Court concludes that the time period for the execution of the warrant was reasonable.

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