dimanche 18 août 2024

Ce que doit viser un contre-interrogatoire

R. v. O.G.K., 1994 CanLII 8742 (BC CA)

Lien vers la décision

[14]           Halsbury [Halsbury's Laws of England], also citing Browne v. Dunnsupra [(1893), 1893 CanLII 65 (FOREP), 6 R. 67 (H.L.)], puts the matter somewhat differently [4th ed., vol. 17, para. 278]:

278. Purpose of cross-examination. Cross-examination is directed to (1) the credibility of the witness; (2) the facts to which he has deposed in chief, including the cross-examiner's version of them; and (3) the facts to which the witness has not deposed but to which the cross-examiner thinks he is able to depose. Where the court is to be asked to disbelieve a witness, the witness should be cross-examined; and failure to cross-examine a witness on some material part of his evidence, or at all, may be treated as an acceptance of the truth of that part or the whole of his evidence.

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