vendredi 10 janvier 2025

L'absence de confidentialité quant à l'exercice du droit à l'avocat par le suspect ne justifie pas nécessairement un policier de lui refuser d'exercer son droit

R. v. Fan, 2017 BCCA 99

Lien vers la décision

[55]        Where a telephone is available and a detainee asks to speak with counsel, police must grant the request if it would be reasonable to do so.  A lack of privacy for the call will not necessarily justify refusal of such a request: R. v. Luu2006 BCCA 73 at para. 30.  On the contrary, failure to give a detainee the option of contacting counsel without privacy may amount to an infringement of s. 10(b), as occurred in R. v. Bui2005 BCCA 482.  The touchstone is reasonableness, given all of the circumstances of the case.

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