dimanche 22 septembre 2024

Le consentement à la possession d'un objet ne peut pas exister sans la possibilité d'exercer un certain contrôle sur lui

R v Nyuon, 2014 ABCA 130

Lien vers la décision

[16]           Section 2 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, SC 1996 c19 adopts the definition of possession from section 4(3) of the Criminal CodeRelevant to this appeal is section 4(3)(b) which deems possession where an individual has knowledge of and consents to another person’s possession of a drug. Knowledge and consent cannot co-exist without the coexistence of some measure of control over the subject matter: R v Colvin and Gladue (1942) 1942 CanLII 245 (BC CA), 78 CCC 282 (BCCA) at para 20, [1943] 1 DLR 20;  R v Terrence1983 CanLII 1629 (ON SC), [1983] 1 SCR 357, 147 DLR (3d) 193. Further, there must be evidence that the accused had the power to grant or withhold consent: Colvin at para 20.

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