vendredi 28 juin 2024

Comment apprécier le test de l'arrêt W.D. quant à l'infraction de conduite dangereuse

R. v. Ibrahim, 2019 ONCA 631 

Lien vers la décision

[63] This approach may be adapted to the context of dangerous driving. One suggested approach would include the following two elements:

(1)   If you accept the accused's evidence and, on the basis of it, you have a reasonable doubt about whether the Crown has satisfied any one of the offence elements required to prove dangerous driving, as I have explained those elements to you, you will find the accused not guilty.

(2)   Even if you do not accept the accused's evidence, if, after considering it alone or in conjunction with the other evidence, you have a reasonable doubt whether the Crown has satisfied any one of the elements required to prove dangerous driving, as I have explained those elements to you, you will find the accused not guilty.

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