lundi 26 août 2024

La dénégation générale est une défense qui souffre souvent d'un manque de détails

R. v. Freamo, 2021 ONCA 223

Lien vers la décision

[9]         With respect to “weighed against”:

I am not prepared to find that the rejection of this piece of evidence makes the rest of J.R.’s evidence unreliable or untrustworthy. J.R. was very specific in recalling an incident that involved Mr. Freamo putting his penis in her mouth. She seems certain that it was Mr. Freamo who did this. I accept this evidence. I have weighed the evidence of J.R. against the evidence of Mr. Freamo. I acknowledge that Mr. Freamo’s defence is a general denial and it must necessarily be lacking in detail. I am also cognizant that as I mentioned before, proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt requires more than a credibility contest. [Emphasis added.]

[10]      The trial judge’s statements following the impugned language demonstrates a correct understanding and application of the burden of proof.

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